Pharmacy systems – NEW in Renggli's assortment

Pharmacy systems – NEW in Renggli's assortment

H+H System – flexible storage systems for pharmacies and hospitals

H+H System ensures perfect organization in every drawer in three steps:

Step 1: Slot rail

Simply attach the slot rail to the inside of the drawer.


Step 2: Divider rail

Insert the selected divider rail model into the slot rail guides. H+H System provides rails of any length, fitting any drawer dimensions.


Step 3: Sliding divider

Adjust the sliding divider to the desired length, creating spaces perfectly suited to individual needs.

The mobility of the pharmacy system allows for changes in the arrangement of dividers and rails depending on the user’s changing needs. Even better drawer clarity can be achieved by using the pharmacy labeling system.

Flexible drawer divisions not only make daily work much more efficient but also minimize the risk of errors to an absolute minimum.


July 06, 2020